Baby Crib: Blankets or Duvet Cover?
When making up a baby bed, you can choose a blanket with a sheet or a handy crib duvet cover. However, the use of a duvet and pillow is not recommended for children under the age of two. An alternative is to place a blanket in a duvet cover, provided that the blanket has the same dimensions as the cover. A zipper at the bottom of the cover prevents the blanket from sliding, which increases the safety of your baby.
Choose the Right Material for Baby Blankets.
When choosing a baby blanket, don't be fooled by the weight. Research by Consumer and Safety in collaboration with TNO-Textiel shows that the material of the blanket does not make much difference to the warmth. Synthetic blankets are lightweight, but offer just as much warmth as wool or cotton blankets. The insulating effect of these materials is almost the same, so you can safely consider a synthetic blanket.
The timing of the transition from a crib to a crib depends on your child’s development and mobility. Choose safe and appropriate bedding options, such as a crib cover or blanket, and choose the right size and material. This will ensure that your little one sleeps comfortably and safely, no matter what stage they are in.